As the world moves quickly from ‘Pre’ to ‘During’ to post ‘Covid’,office needs are evolving as well - our endeavor is to support you,in the way that works best for you
Kaamwork’s exclusive partnership with brands like Wework with All-Access passes ensure access across country-wide locations for your employees
Costs are variable and you can dial up or down as needs evolve - your teams can decide cadence, frequency, and exact locations to work together
The spaces can be branded with your logos to further create a sense of belonging with he brand
Kaamwork manages the billing and cross-charges you on actuals to streamline the flow at your end - typical rates vary from $300-500/month/employee
Such a hub-and-spoke, hybrid model accelerates time to hire with a remote-first hiring strategy to access talent anywhere in the country while providing them access to Grade-A spaces
Permanent Office Space in a Specific City
Kaamwork can help facilitate and manage a permanent office space in a city of your choice with your branding and colors
Such a strategy might limit your hiring to a specific city; but might be the right strategy if you’d like you team to work together out of an office for at least 2-3 days a week
Pricing here varies by city and size, but the spirit of transparency stays of course