
Your ears  &  eyes on-the-ground

Good talent needs to hear a story - a story about your company, your leaders, your work and your commitment to their careers - we help you not only attract, but also retain key talent as your true local partners. And we do all this for not extra cost - we do it because we believe these elements are important to your sustainable success. Other vanilla EORs simply don't do any of this!

Talk to Us

Sourcing Help

Kaamwork’s network of proven recruiters help source profiles within 24 hours with a interview-offer rate of 50%+

Sourcing Help

Brand Communication

As your local partner, Kaamwork communicates your brand story and vision to convince A-players of career sustainability with your brand - critical in setting up your brand for long-term success

Brand Communication

Sense of Belonging

Apart from the Company owning the interview experience 100% as well as steady-state appraisals and promotions, other aspects such as the following go a long way in making folks feel a part of your brand from Day 1 despite the EOR model: your Company branded Kaamwork platform skin, your Company logo on offer letters, welcome swag kit with your branding, all benefits including leaves and allowances in-sync with your offerings in global owned offices

Sense of Belonging

Help with Retention

With constant feedback loops, facilitation of offsites and meetups for your local teams, as well as consulting with you on market norms for appraisals and promotions, Kaamwork ensures your employees feel they have an approachable local HR team - an aspect that goes a long way in helping folks retain and and grow with you.

Help with Retention

Talent-focused Approach

Kaamwork believes that the success of your offshore team lies directly in the quality of talent you can attract and retain - our proven ability to convince top talent on the EOR model - both at the leadership as well as mid/junior levels - has driven success for all companies building teams through Kaamwork

Talent-focused Approach

Offsites & Office Spaces

Kaamwork helps organize local offsites (turn-key solutions, executed on a cost-basis, no markup) to help your colleagues build trust and rapport. Increasingly, we have also helped companies create Grade A branded office spaces for colleagues to transition from a pure remote to a more effective hybrid culture. Our understanding of various cities including respective talent pools and office pricing help you make the right long-term strategic decision

Offsites & Office Spaces